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Autumn Term


Reading books will be changed twice a week, please make sure that you send your child's reading book into school every Monday and Thursday to be changed. 

A teacher or Teaching Assistant will listen to your child read on a fortnightly basis during 1:1 reading and weekly during group reading sessions. At home, please read daily with your child and please continue to write comments in their yellow reading diaries to facilitate communication between home and school regarding your child’s reading.


Homework will set each Thursday via our ClassDojo. This will include spellings, English and Maths which will be set via mymaths.  Homework should be submitted to Mrs. Brogan by the following Wednesday via the ClassDojo. 

Spellings and times tables will be tested every Wednesday in school.


During the Autumn Term, our PE days will be Wednesdays and Fridays. Please come to school in your PE kits on those days. 


In the first half term we will be building on the learning that has taken place in year 1, starting with a look at different imaginary stories and then beginning to write stories of our own. 

Children will begin the year recapping on the phonics that was learnt in Year 1 and then moving the focus onto Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) 

Maths - We use Maths No Problem following the National Curriculum enhancing this with active maths lessons. To begin the autumn term we will be looking at numbers to 100 before moving onto addition and subtraction of those numbers. 

Art - This half term we will be looking at formal elements of art building on the skills developed in Year 1. 

D&T - This half term we will be linking our D&T with our science topic, exploring a balanced diet.  

History - Famous Nurses; looking at Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell and the impact these woman have had. 

Geography - Our Local Environment - Timperley 

Religious Education - What did Jesus Teach? 

Music - Trafford Music services follow a fabulous scheme called 'Charanga.' 

French - Gulay (our French language assistant) delivers French each Friday. 

Science - Our topic for the autumn term is Healthy Me. 

Jigsaw - Being Me and Celebrating Difference. 

Our Moving Monsters (DT)