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This term we have lots of interesting topics to look forward to and we will be sharing photos along the way. 

English - This term, we will be looking at modern fiction in The Legend of Podkin One Ear by Kieran Larwood. Also in our non-fiction work, we will focus on discussion and persuasion texts. 

Maths - In Maths, we use White Rose to support our teaching and learning. Our topics include Formal methods of Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Perimeter and Area, and Statistics.

Science - This term's topics are Earth and Space, and Forces.

History - Our work on the past will continue to explore the Viking and Anglo Saxon struggle for the kingdom of Britain.

Geography - In Geography, we will be looking at the physical and human geographical features of a Iceland and examining the effects on the lives of people who live near volcanoes.

Computing - In our computing work we will be exploring search engines, and experimenting with coding music using SCRATCH.

Jigsaw - Our topics this term are 'Dreams and Goals'  and 'Healthy Me'.

Art - We will be continuing to develop our art skills in a range of projects and media related to the topic of Space.

Design Technology - We will be learning about strength and stability in structures and completing a project to test out our designs of bridges.

PE - On Tuesdays, Jo Brown will be working with us on our dodgeball skills in Spring 1, and in Spring 2 we will be learning the New Zealand Haka dance. On Wednesday afternoons we will have the Sports for All team. 

RE - Our RE topic (Spring 1) is called ''How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?" and in Spring 2 'How significant is it for Christians to believe God intended Jesus to die?'

French - In our French work, we are building vocabulary and sentences structure with Gulay, our French assistante.