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Spring Term


Reading books can be changed every Mondays and Fridays.  

We listen to pupils read during whole class reading sessions which are based on our class texts. At home, please continue to write comments in their reading diaries to facilitate communication between home and school regarding your child’s reading.


Homework will be issued digitally every Thursday and is due in the following Thursday. . 

Spellings and times tables will be tested every Friday in school.

The aim is to know your multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. 


During the Autumn Term, our PE days will be Tuesdays (swimming), Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please come to school in your PE kits on those days. Swimming lessons finish at the end of January. 


During this term, we will focus on the following texts:

The Butterfly Lion - Michael Morpurgo

The Boy at the Back of the Class - Onjali Q Rauf

Escape from Pompeii - Christina Balit

Maths - We follow the NC. Pupils also enjoy a weekly session of Active Maths.

Art/D&T-Drawing, Painting & Mixed Media, Designing and Making Torches. 

History - Romans 

Geography -Megacities

Music - Trafford Music services follow a fabulous scheme called 'Charanga.' 

French - Gulay ( our French language assistant) delivers French, using the Catherine Cheater Scheme, every Friday. 

Science - Living things, including animals and Famous Scientists

Jigsaw - Dreams and Goals and Healthy Me

Computing - Website Design and Computational Thinking