Summer Term Subject Information
Reading books will be changed twice a week. Reading for pleasure books will be sent home on a Monday and reading practice books on a Thursday. Please make sure that you sign and return your child's reading book. For further information, please see the 'Little Wandle' guidance at the start of our class page.
Homework will be set each Thursday via our ClassDojo. This will include spellings, new vocabulary and a practical Maths activity/game.
Spellings will be tested every Wednesday in school.
During the Summer Term, our PE days will be Wednesdays and Fridays. Please don't forget to come to school wearing your PE kits on those days!
We will be exploring a variety of different genres.
Phonics - we will continue with daily 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds' lessons.
Maths - We use 'White Rose Maths' following the National Curriculum enhancing this with active maths lessons.
Art - This term, our topic is called: Sculpture and 3D: Paper play' - Creating simple three dimensional shapes and structures using familiar materials. We will learn how to manipulate paper and card by folding, rolling and scrunching before making our own sculptures
D&T - This term we will learn about 'Textiles – Puppets'. We will explore methods of joining fabric. Then we will design and make a character-based hand puppet using a preferred joining technique, before decorating.
Geography - We will continue to explore and learn about the UK and continents and then look at seasonal and daily weather patterns.
History - We will be learning about famous explorers such as Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus.
Computing - We are continuing to learn about data handling before moving on to 'Creating media: Digital imagery' -using creativity and imagination to plan a miniature adventure story and capture it using developing photography skills.
Religious Education - We use the 'Discovery RE' scheme. Our topics are called 'Is Shabbat Important to Jewish Children?' and 'Are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur important to Jewish children?
Music - Trafford Music services follow a fun scheme called 'Charanga.'
Science - We will continue to learn about plants and seasonal changes.
Jigsaw - Our puzzles (topics) are 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me!'