The Pay and Review Committee
Terms of reference:
- to develop, implement and administer the pay policy.
- to consult with members of staff in the drafting of the Pay Policy and at its reviews
- to ensure that each member of staff has access to a copy of the Pay Policy
- to ensure that appropriate funding is allocated for pay within the schools’ staffing structure and pay policy, with regard to planned and potential determinations on performance pay progression
- to handle appeals, if the matter cannot be resolved informally.
- to keep up to date with relevant developments and any legal changes and to advise the Board of Governors when the schools pay policy needs to be revised;
- to have responsibility for pay determinations in accordance with the pay and appraisal policies on behalf of the Board of Governors
- to minute clearly giving the reasons for all decisions and report these decisions to the next full Board of Governors meeting as a confidential item to be received;
- to seek professional advice from the Local Authority, Diocesan Authority or others, as necessary;
- to attend relevant training as appropriate
The Pay Committee could be made up of three members of the Board of Governors, perhaps from existing Finance and Personnel Committees, excluding the Headteacher and any other members paid to work in the school. It is not recommended that an individual governor be assigned to this role as this may leave decisions open to challenge.
Disqualification –The Headteacher and Staff Governors
These terms of reference agreed by the Board of Governors
Chair of the Committee Carole Partington
Quorum (minimum of 3 suggested) 3